Arif Firmansyah
Student of Psychology, paramadina university_Jakarta_Indonesia
Self actualization is a need for everyone. Especially for adolescents who will take actions on the next life span development. It is important to have a great concept of self actualization in organization and education. I found that every adolescent has a unique concept for their actualization; it doesn’t depend on age, gender or education level. By the characteristic the adolescents in the past, now and future of self actualization, I found that for actualizing ourselves it doesn’t depend on previous needs as like Maslow’s Hierarchy needs. We have domain effect for the actualization. Sample was taken from activities in the organization and education activities in the universities and high schools. By determination and finding the right definition to make a right concept of self actualization for adolescents, people will get many advantages in order to achieve their goals. The right concept might be generalized for adolescents and then indigenous psychology will explain the differentiation. By this concept, I do hope the adolescents will understand their self actualization concept and can be able to practice their concept to actualize their concept in their activities.
Key words: self actualization, adolescents, education activities.kata bu alfikalia (ketua prodi psikologi universitas paramadina) berani bikin abstrak, harus segera bikin fullpapernya. Tenang aja ya bu, ini tinggal dimuntahkan aja koq, sorry to say, but it’s about time. Sekarang ane lagi pengen sibuk disini, sebagai anak muda.
awalnya ikut international summit 2010_i4, terus ASEAN Youth Forum and Festival 2011, 4 hari lagi ke Malaysia, July ke Jember Fashion Carnaval dan mudah-mudahan oktober ke BAli, see u soon OBAMA
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